Global Inequality Article It is a global phenomenon: since the 1980s, the richest are getting richer while the poorest and the middle classes are getting poorer. An inequality that is certainly inevitable, but which operates at different rates from one region of the world to another: if Europe remains the most egalitarian continent, North America, China, … Read more

Children Poverty Statistics Worldwide 2021

Young people are the first victims of poverty. Around the world, half of the children are very poor. If young French people suffer mainly from the low incomes of their parents, with consequences in particular on their schooling, the approximately 1 billion poor children in the world suffer serious deprivations, sometimes fatal. Also Read: Poorest countries in the world … Read more

Why Poverty in Rich Countries? Background and Solution

Poverty is on the decline in the world. However, one in ten people is extremely poor: 800 million people live on less than 1.90 dollars (approximately 1.50 euros) per day. Extract from our educational booklet Inequalities explained to young people , available to order. ALSO READ: Poorest Nations in the world 800 million poor The fight against poverty is … Read more

Billionaires are one millionth of humanity

How many billionaires in the world? Statistics difficult, but simple order of magnitude: less than one person in a million. Billionaires fascinate or annoy. It depends, knowledge of their situations depends on databases and rankings that often make newspaper coverage. However, this information only captures part of reality. Protection of privacy and, above all, opacity in many countries, prevent … Read more

Access to medicine unevenly distributed around the world

Austria has 52 doctors per 10,000 inhabitants while Rwanda has only one. The gaps are large between rich and less well-off countries, particularly countries in Africa. he analysis of the density of doctors by country provides a fairly accurate overview of health inequalities in the world. There is a very large gap between the best endowed countries … Read more

Poverty line and Wage Inequality in Europe

540 euros in Portugal against 1,060 euros in Germany: the poverty lines, calculated according to the median standard of living in each country, vary widely in Europe. The least poor in Europe live in Switzerland and Norway where the poverty line exceeds 1,300 euros per month according to Euro-stat (2016 data, threshold at 60% of … Read more

Poverty in large wealthy countries

Among the large rich countries, France is the one where the poverty rate (8.3%) is – by far – the lowest. It is two times lower than in the United States (17.8%), which leads the rankings. The situation is clearly deteriorating in Germany. Also Read: 10 Poorest Countries in Europe With a poverty rate of 8.3% in … Read more

Ten men have more wealth than the 85 poorest countries in the world


The world’s ten richest men have a combined wealth of $ 858.1 billion, more than the GDP of the world’s 85 poorest countries, Monday’s financial news site Learn Bonds said on Monday. draw up this comparison.  The ten richest men have an overall fortune of 858.1 billion dollars and exceed the GDP of the 85 … Read more